A jihadist assault in Burkina Faso slaughters three unfamiliar writers

Jack daniel
3 min readApr 30, 2021


One more fear-monger assault in Burkina Faso, there are passings and wounds. Three columnists, two Spaniards, and an Irishman, and a fourth individual were killed in an attack by a jihadist bunch on Monday in Burkina Faso, along a street in the area of Kompienga, in the south-eastern piece of the country.

At first, it was believed that they had been grabbed, and the Spanish Foreign Ministry had spread the word about it that it was in contact with the Spanish consulate in Mali (additionally answerable for Burkina Faso) in the expectation of discovering its hijacked residents. Today, be that as it may, affirmation of their passing has shown up from nearby knowledge and furthermore from the Spanish government in the individual of Foreign Minister Arancha González.

Among the casualties is David Beriáin, a renowned documentarian and one of the main examples of European insightful reporting. He had made various reports in different pieces of the world. He was well known for the narrative “The universe of Narcos”. As of late Beriáin experienced gotten into difficulty with the Italian equity framework: he was being explored for misrepresentation in view of “Secret,” a report on the Italian mafias, thought about a phony by the specialists. The other dead Spanish columnist is Roberto Fraile, a cameraman who had worked in war theaters like the Syrian one. Different casualties were an Irish columnist and a Burkinabe who was with them. Three individuals, then again, were harmed.

The three columnists were making a narrative for Spanish TV Movistar TV zeroing in on poaching in Burkina Faso. They were making a beeline for the Pama Forest Reserve with an enemy of poaching watch. The escort was situated around 15 kilometers south of the town of Natiaboni when the snare started.

As per the recreations, the assailants were ready for two pick-ups and around twenty bikes. As well as assaulting writers and escort individuals, the aggressors likewise took two jeeps, gear, robots, and weapons. A few observers report that, notwithstanding the guard being comprised of forty individuals, the aggressors dwarfed them.

In a proclamation, the Ministry of Communication Burkinabe detailed that “for the occasion, the personality of the hijackers isn’t set up”. The Associated Press reports hearing a voice message in which the supposed aggressors guarantee duty regarding the assault. They are supposedly individuals from the Jama’a Nusrat ul-Islam wa al-Muslimin, in a real sense the gathering for the safeguard of Islam and Muslims, a jihadist-type psychological oppressor association dynamic in this piece of Africa since 2017. “We executed three whites,” they say, adding that they were additionally ready to take two vehicles, weapons, and twelve motorbikes.

As of late, there have been numerous kidnappings across Burkina Faso, where jihadist and psychological militant assaults have duplicated since 2015. In the event that recently gathered in the north of the country, on the line with Mali, the brutality of the Support Group for Islam and Muslims partnered with Al Qaeda and oneself announced Islamic State in the Greater Sahara have then spread to the capital and different areas of the African country.



Jack daniel

Do not judge me before u know me, but just to inform u, you won’t like me