A video shows the alleged Libyan Coast Guard shooting transients with a watch boat gave by Italy

Jack daniel
3 min readJul 3, 2021


The grouping is chilling, emotional and leaves us in tension. Seabird, the Sea Watch airplane, has shot it and shows pursues and explosions of automatic rifles, in the upper Mediterranean, of the Libyan Coast Guard towards a boat with 62 unarmed outsiders on board who hazard being killed or winding up in the ocean. “The recordings made by our group in the Sar region show the shots, the perilous move of the watch boat — clarify from the German non-benefit association working in the focal Mediterranean — and the tossing of items at individuals ready.”

Then, at that point the continued smashing endeavors, at last, even the tossing of items. The NGO Sea-Watch has delivered a video showing the conduct of the purported Libyan coast monitor towards transient boats. In the Maltese SAR region, a vessel designated an elastic, pursuing it and genuinely jeopardizing individuals’ lives ready. The video additionally hears the radio interchanges with which the individuals from the Sea Watch request that the Libyans stop. As indicated by reports from the German NGO, 63 individuals figured out how to escape the assault and discover shelter in Lampedusa. The watch boat utilized by the Libyans would be the Ras Jadir, gave by Italy four years prior.

In the video, shot Wednesday and distributed this evening, you can likewise hear the remarks on the airplane and the radio interchanges with the Libyan coast watch who, notwithstanding, would have proceeded with their endeavors to hinder the vessel. As indicated by Sea Watch, the watch boat would be the Ras Jadir and would have been given to Libya by Italy in May 2017. “The 63 individuals on board figured out how to get away from the assault and arrive at Lampedusa — finished up the NGO — however, the brutality caused to which they have been oppressed is unsatisfactory and exhibits the need to stop help to the alleged Libyan coast monitor.”

The Alarm Phone additionally said that a call was sent from the boat to them that discussed the elements of the shots and affirmed that all travelers are completely secure on the Sicilian Island. “Just on account of the gallant voices of individuals who call us from the ocean — they disclose — and to the similarly bold presence of the Seabird group can these wrongdoings be uncovered and now and then halted. Relocation isn’t wrongdoing. Building borders are! In the meantime, the Alarm Phone has additionally announced that there is presently a boat with 30 different transients on board that is as yet leaking water in the Sar space of Malta. “They can’t go on any longer and we trust they will before long be safeguarded and taken to security in Europe,” they say. “Not any more unlawful #repressions in the SAR of Malta!”. Finishes up Alarm Phone.



Jack daniel

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