Algeria dissenter: ‘UK security educated me regarding an impending danger to my life’

Jack daniel
3 min readAug 21, 2021


Previous ambassador and establishing individual from the Algerian resistance Rachad development Mohamed Larbi Zitout uncovered that British specialists had informed him of an inescapable risk to his life, and encouraged him to move to an alternate area to secure himself. He, nonetheless, denied.

Zitout disclosed in elite articulations to Arabi21, that a British security unit visited him on Wednesday evening, while he was partaking in a live transmission on the political and social issues in Algeria, and revealed to him that they had data of an impending risk compromising his life that expects him to be careful and quickly move out of his present location.

“I listened mindfully to the police boss, who tended to me with incredible worry for my wellbeing … I was consoled by the insight he showed, in any case, I let him realize that I can’t take off from this house which I leased years prior and have had a sense of safety and stability in it, and from which I have been continuing with my serene and regular citizen battle to add to free Algerians from the scourge of military guideline to a regular citizen-state,” he said.

The police cautioned Zitout that the data they had showed that the danger had come from those in charge of Algeria’s issues and come because of the country’s assignment of the Rachad development as a fear association, Zitout — who is the gathering’s representative — clarified.

Specialists blamed the Rachad development and the Movement for the Self-Determination of Kabylie (MAK) for lighting woods fires in Algeria.

Zitout added: “I additionally comprehended from British police what [Algerian President] Abdelmadjid Tebboune suggested in his remark on the new woods fires in Algeria, when he said that they will, definitely, acquire activists abroad who denounce the heads of Algeria; which implies that actual liquidation isn’t barred.”

Zitout focused on that he is a previous ambassador and legislator who knows very well the requirements of political activity and its significance, and that he won’t leave his position while requiring the foundation of a nonmilitary personnel state and encouraging the officers to get back to their dormitory and resume their unique undertakings, which are to secure the nation’s lines and sway.

Concerning the Algerian specialists’ cases against the Rachad development, Zitout said: “These are absurd and dishonest incriminations that are not founded on any proof aside from the disarray of the decision pack and their inability to persuade the Algerians with all that they have done as far as faking the races and the bombed measures they took to counter the Covid pandemic, douse the flames, and fixing the foundation, to the point that individuals don’t have water in the searing summer, even insignificant urban communities.”

Since the beginning of the Algerian well-known development in February 2019, Zitout has been communicating live discourses each night through Facebook and YouTube to pass on data about the course of occasions in Algeria.

On Wednesday, the Algerian dissenter needed to interfere with his discussion as police were at his entryway.

Last May, the Algerian Presidency declared posting Rachad and MAK developments as “fear-based oppressor associations,” and blamed them for endeavoring to “destabilize the country.”

The Rachad development is an Algerian regular citizen resistance association established in 2007 in Europe. MAK is a dissenter development that was established in 2002. The greater part of its chiefs dwells in France. Since its foundation, MAK has been requesting the autonomy of areas possessed by Berbers in eastern Algeria and reported in 2010 the development of a between time government around here.



Jack daniel

Do not judge me before u know me, but just to inform u, you won’t like me