Confinement of Hamas’ agent to Saudi Arabia penetrate shows

Jack daniel
2 min readApr 5, 2021


Educator Saad Al-Faqih, a Saudi lawmaker and originator of the Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (MIRA), said on Sunday that Saudi’s confinement of Dr. Mohammad Al Khodari, Hamas’ agent to Riyadh, “is a penetrate of Saudi and worldwide shows.”

Addressing Shehab News Agency, Al-Faqih said that Al Khodari was an authority minister to the Kingdom and delighted in wellbeing as he addressed an authority Palestinian gathering, just as he had relations with Saudi authorities.

“How should Dr. Al Khodari be kept while he had official relations with the Saudi specialists which knew about his exercises?” he inquired. “He [Al Khodari] didn’t carry out any wrongdoing; else, he would have been prosecuted,” Al-Faqih said.

The unmistakable Saudi scholastic called attention to that “there is no legitimate or ordinary reason for confining Al Khodari,” focusing on that his detainment “is close to political pressing factor.”

Al-Faqih caused to notice the gatherings that profited by Al Khodari’s confinement and noticed that this old Palestinian man ought to be regarded. “On the off chance that the nation didn’t need him on its dirt, at any rate, it ought to expel him,” Al-Faqih said.

He emphasized that his detainment is an endeavor to squeeze Hamas just as to subvert any worldwide fortitude with the Palestinian reason in the Kingdom, principally considering the progressing standardization bargains endorsed between the Arab systems and Israel.

Prof Al-Faqih focused on that Al Khodari’s delivery requires purposeful global tension in Saudi Arabia. This, in any case, is probably not going to happen any time soon on the grounds that Hamas loathes the help of Western nations or the current Arab systems.



Jack daniel

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