Egyptian Doctors’ movement: Why do they leave?

Jack daniel
4 min readApr 23, 2022


The Egyptian Medical Syndicate uncovered the acquiescence of 11,536 specialists from working in the public authority area from the start of 2019 until last March 2020, which is viewed as a continuation of specialists’ hesitance to work in the public authority area and their rising mission to move outside Egypt because of the unfortunate circumstances they endure.

The Medical Syndicate’s information affirms the public authority’s inability to accomplish its objectives, declared in 2019, to draw in 60,000 specialists to government work once more. All that it has said throughout the last a very long time about working on the circumstances for specialists is only vacant misleading publicity.

In March 2019, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Population, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research gave a concentrate on Egypt’s prerequisites for clinical specialists, contrasted with worldwide figures. The review expressed that the quantity of clinical specialists authorized to rehearse medication for the rest of 2018, barring specialists on benefits, is assessed at 212,835, while the individuals who work in Egypt, during the similar times in different offices, are around 82,000 specialists, in particular, 38% of those authorized to rehearse medication.

The review added that the quantity of specialists in Egypt is 8.6 for every 10,000 residents, while the worldwide normal is 23 specialists for every 10,000 residents!

The public authority concentrates on suggesting that the State take on an arrangement to lessen specialists’ movement, including raising the degree of preparation, getting a proper workplace, and working on specialists’ monetary and social circumstances. Thus, throughout the following a long time (from 2020 to 2025), this plan focuses on the arrival of 60,000 specialists to work in the public authority wellbeing area. Tragically, regardless of the entry of a long time since the issuance of this review, numbers affirm that things are deteriorating, with an expansion in specialists’ movement and their hesitance to work in the public authority area.

Somewhere in the range of 2016 and 2018, 6,205 specialists left government work. While the number expanded essentially between (2019 and March 2022) to 11,536 specialists, with an increment of 86%.

As indicated by the Physicians’ Syndicate records, the number of specialists enlisted with the Syndicate and authorized to rehearse the calling, barring specialists on an annuity, arrived at 228,862 specialists starting last March. The quantity of specialists working in the public authority area is around 93,536, an increment of just 11,536 specialists from the present circumstance in 2019, addressing just 19% of the number that the public authority vowed to draw in (60,000 specialists) to the public authority clinical area until 2025.

Consequently, the proportion of specialists in the public authority area to the number of specialists authorized to rehearse the calling preceding retirement is 40.8 percent, an increment of just 2.8 percent from 2019.

The proportion of specialists to residents increments to 9 specialists for every 10,000 residents, rather than 8.6 percent toward the start of 2019. Be that as it may, it is a long way from the worldwide normal of 23 specialists for every 10,000 residents.

This slight increment is because of the ascent in the number of understudies owned up to resources of medication openly and in private colleges.

Low wages are the fundamental explanation specialists leave government work and relocate to work abroad or work in the private area.

A specialist dwelling in Serbia acquires 600 Euros each month, comparable to 12,000 Egyptian pounds. Conversely, a specialist in Somalia makes $ 5,000 every month, equivalent to 91,000 Egyptian pounds. In Sweden, an overall expert gets $1,600, comparable to 30 thousand Egyptian pounds and, in Malaysia, a recently graduated specialist acquires $1,200 per month, equivalent to 22,000 Egyptian pounds. The typical month-to-month specialist’s compensation in Turkey is 22,000 Egyptian pounds. The base month-to-month specialist’s compensation in Saudi Arabia is 22,000 Egyptian pounds.

Notwithstanding, the typical compensation for an occupant specialist in Egypt is just 3,700 Egyptian pounds ($201), and the typical specialist’s benefits, after around 35 years working in the public authority, are just 2,300 Egyptian pounds ($125).

Moreover, the persistent assaults on specialists in many emergency clinics, the unfortunate open doors for postgraduate examinations and their significant expenses contrasted with the passage of specialists, and the attack on clinical offices by patients’ qualifications, came at the very front of the explanations behind specialists’ renunciation from government emergency clinics, their displacement and their hesitance to go to work in basic disciplines.

One of the essential reasons is the absence of a regulation to consider specialists responsible if there should arise an occurrence of approaching unexpected issues known around the world and consider them answerable under the criminal regulation as fugitives.

The system doesn’t have the cash to pay specialists fair wages and annuities, furnish them with appropriate rest or furnish clinics with protection to safeguard specialists. In addition, it doesn’t ensure free alumni studies to propel them to remain and not emigrate. Be that as it may, it has many billions to fabricate official castles and a rich government base camps in the new capital.

However long government needs keep on being imbalanced, specialists will keep on leaving government work and escape abroad looking for a superior life. Simultaneously, the unfortunate resident will stay the main casualty.



Jack daniel
Jack daniel

Written by Jack daniel

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