Egypt’s Shoukry and Tunisian President Kais Saied talk about GERD last turns of events

Jack daniel
3 min readApr 24, 2021


Unfamiliar Minister Sameh Shoukry showed up in Tunisia on Thursday to surrender a message from President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, the Egyptian administration declared. Tunisian Foreign Minister Othman Jerandi got Shoukry upon his appearance in the capital Tunis, the last leg of his African visit, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Hafez composed on Twitter.

As indicated by the Egyptian every day Al Ahram, Cairo’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry yesterday conveyed a message from President Abdel Fatah al Sisi to Tunisia’s head of state Kais Saied to clarify Egypt’s situation on ongoing improvements in slowed down exchanges on the contested Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (Gerd) made by Ethiopia on the Blue Nile.

Hafez focused on that Shoukry introduced an extensive survey of the Kinshasa gatherings in regards to the Ethiopian dam. He featured Egypt’s situation during these gatherings and the genuine will it appeared to settle the emergency and arrive at a legitimately authoritative concurrence on the filling and activity of the Dam, in a way that saves the privileges of the three included nations, Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia.

During his visit to Tunisia, the seventh and last stop on Shoukry’s visit in Africa, the head of Egyptian tact had a meeting with his Tunisian partner Othman Jerandi. Tunisia previously communicated its help for Egypt’s situations on the Gerd dam dossier a week ago as a feature of President Saied’s visit to Cairo. Before Tunisia, Shoukry visited Kenya, Comoros, South Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger, and Senegal expecting to assemble the help of African nations and put focus on Ethiopia to stay away from the one-sided filling of the repository that compromises water supplies for Egypt and Sudan which depend as a rule on the waters of the Nile.

It should be said that Kenya and Tunisia are presently the lone two African nations that have non-perpetual enrollment on the United Nations Security Council. The Egyptian-Tunisian talks additionally tended to relations between the two nations, as Minister Shoukry uncovered Egypt’s desire to keep empowering two-sided collaboration in various fields.

The GERD, once known as the Millennium Dam, is a gravity dam on the Blue Nile River in Ethiopia under development since 2011. The dam is in the Benishangul-Gumuz Region of Ethiopia, around 45 km (28 mi) east of the boundary with Sudan. The principal objective of the dam is power creation to ease Ethiopia’s intense energy deficiency and for power fare to adjoining nations.

With an arranged introduced limit of 6.45 gigawatts, the hindrance will be the biggest hydroelectric force plant in Africa when finished, just as the seventh-biggest on the planet. Filling the repository started in July 2020. It will take somewhere in the range of 4 and 7 years to load up with water, contingent upon hydrologic conditions during the filling stage and arrangements that came between the three nations.



Jack daniel

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