Erdogan guarantees common freedoms change, yet pundits dread it to be simply empty talk

Jack daniel
2 min readMar 4, 2021


Many hailed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Human Rights Action plan reported on Tuesday, March 2. Erdogan’s partners and allies said that the activity plan would ensure basic freedoms as well as clear a path for actualizing a new nonmilitary personnel constitution. They focused on that among key highlights of the arrangement were setting autonomous legal executives and following legal cycles with the guidelines on confinement and legal control arrangements.

The arrangement comes in front of Turkey’s 100th commemoration, which was set up with the subsidizing of about 1.3 million Turkish liras ($177,000) reached out by European Union. Pundits have been incredulous of Erdogan’s support of the basic freedoms plan expressing that it’s too early to celebrate as the activity plan is yet to demonstrate its importance. The Turkish government has two prominent cases lying in front of it to show its actual expectation, including the detainment of donor Osman Kavala and Kurdish legislator and previous head of the third-biggest parliamentary gathering, the People’s Democratic Party (HDP), Selahattin Demirtas.

Plus, spectators accept that the new activity plan which promises to fortify opportunity of articulation, bring Ankara’s common liberties level at standard with global guidelines, and set just and reasonable legal framework, neglected to give subtleties of the estimates identified with discretionary confinements, long haul detainment or limitations forced on exhibitions.

Turkish pioneer in his Tuesday address likewise indicated that the expressed changes would be executed in a particular way. Erdogan said, “We won’t water each bloom we see. While watering a blossom with its head twisted methods equity, watering a thistle implies remorselessness.” To quietness his western pundits, the Turkish Premier added that Ankara would likewise distribute a yearly common liberties report, and would set a particular board committed to observing basic freedoms conditions in detainment facilities.

In spite of the large change guarantees, Turkey hasn’t actualized anything at ground level to show earnestness of administering AKP also known as the Justice and Development Party’s expectation. Strangely, just after Erdogan’s discourse on Tuesday, AKP’s delegate parliamentary gathering executive, Cahit Ozkan said, “God willing, we will close down the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) according to individuals.” Over the previous decade, the Erdogan organization has kept a huge number of the support of Kurdish HDP individuals and excused more than many of its chosen city hall leaders. It shows the country’s treatment of resistant individuals. Moreover, the nation is the world’s driving guard of the columnist and positions 107 out of 128 nations in the most recent Rule of Law Index by the World Justice Project, which shows the level of defilement, basic rights, administrative requirement, and common equity in a country.

Incredulous of Erdogan’s new plan, Marc Pierini, a previous EU representative to Turkey, composed on Twitter, “Without activity, Turkey’s law and order guarantees just highlight its authority’s own bad behaviors, as deliberately naming contradiction and dissent as ‘illegal intimidation,’ discretionary confinements, decisions articulated at the political level, overlooking European Court of Human Rights.”



Jack daniel

Do not judge me before u know me, but just to inform u, you won’t like me