Erdogan irritates Macron once more

Jack daniel
3 min readDec 5, 2020


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan keeps on assaulting in a forceful and hostile way the French president Emmanuel Macron. On Friday, Erdogan contended that “Macron is a weight for France.” The Turkish chief, top of a nation in a profound monetary emergency, asserts that “Macron and France are experiencing a basic period. My expectation is that France will dispose of the Macron inconvenience when possible.”An analysis that many have summarized with the exemplary maxim “the bull that says horned to the jackass.” Considering the constant trip of unfamiliar financial specialists from Ankara and the Turkish lira at noteworthy lows in the conversion scale with the dollar for quite a long time.

The Turkish “ruler” talked after Friday petitions held in the congregation of Agia Sofia, changed into a mosque, and which he again opened to Islamic love. Relations between Turkey and France have been tense for some time. The two nations have contradicting dreams, partners, and interests in numerous emergency situations, from the eastern Mediterranean to Libya, from Syria to Nagorno-Karabakh. Erdogan is no more unusual to hostile assaults on Macron, blaming him for being against Islam and Muslims. Erdogan has even abused for purposeful publicity reasons the decapitation of a French teacher who had demonstrated Charlie Hebdo’s kid’s shows on Muhammad at school.

His media and those financed by the Muslim Brotherhood, of which he affirms himself the new pioneer, have misused the safeguard of the mainstream estimations of the Republique to affect disdain discourse against Paris that immediately transformed into ridiculous fear based oppressor assaults in different European capitals. In a few recordings of the Turkish administration, Erdogan is contrasted with Mohammed II, undermining a few times to wreck Israel, naming himself the new champion who will restore the Islamic State, renamed the neo-Ottoman Empire. The ruler additionally dispatched a media crusade a month ago under the trademark “Blacklist French Products,” which went unheard in most Arab nations, where the Brotherhood keeps on assuming a destabilizing job. By instigating savagery and resistance to state organizations, exploiting sensations of restraint because of COVID-19 limitations.

Recently the Turkish chief added that if France doesn’t dispose of the French president, it won’t have the option to beat the Yellow Vests challenge social bad form in the nation. He at that point asserted that Paris lost its validity as a go-between for the Minsk gathering, which was made during the 1990s to energize the quiet goal of the Nagorno-Karabakh strife. France favored Armenia in the war and Turkey with Azerbaijan. Erdogan’s remarks came in the midst of common allegations by the two sides. Relations have gotten progressively stressed on numerous issues, including what Erdogan calls French Islamophobia and energy debates in the Eastern Mediterranean and Libya.

Ankara has agreed with the Tripoli-based Libyan government, which should be supplanted right away by another leader to stop the absence of authenticity. In this specific circumstance, Erdogan has sent a huge number of Syrian hired soldiers to Libya since the finish of a year ago, including jihadists, unpracticed minors, and hoodlums escaping the Bashar al-Assad system. He has come into control of various army installations in western and southern Libya, from which it continually undermines Europe. Indeed, through the control of neighborhood equipped gatherings, the new Sultan could make the ways for a huge number of African travelers, as it has just happened consistently at the Greek outskirt, where strain stays high.



Jack daniel

Do not judge me before u know me, but just to inform u, you won’t like me