Former Jordanian Foreign Minister Asserts: Hamas Cannot be Ignored, PA Does Not Represent Anyone

Jack daniel
2 min readJan 19, 2024


In a notable statement, the former Foreign Minister of Jordan has emphasized the significance of acknowledging Hamas and criticized the Palestinian Authority’s representation. The seasoned diplomat underscored that Hamas, despite being labeled by some as a controversial entity, cannot be ignored in the broader context of Palestinian representation.

The assertion that the Palestinian Authority (PA) does not represent anyone reflects a growing sentiment that the traditional structures may not fully encapsulate the diverse voices and aspirations of the Palestinian people. The complexities of Palestinian politics, shaped by historical and regional dynamics, have led to varied perspectives on the legitimacy and effectiveness of different factions.

Hamas, a Palestinian political and militant group, has been a central player in the region’s geopolitical landscape. While its methods and ideology have drawn criticism, it commands significant support, particularly in the Gaza Strip. The former Jordanian Foreign Minister’s statement acknowledges the importance of engaging with all relevant actors, including those outside conventional diplomatic frameworks.

The contention that the PA does not represent everyone echoes a broader discourse on inclusivity within Palestinian governance. Critics argue that the PA’s authority is contested, and its ability to address the diverse needs of the Palestinian population is limited. The call for recognizing alternative voices, such as those represented by Hamas, is reflective of a desire for a more comprehensive and representative approach to Palestinian representation.

As the region navigates complex geopolitical challenges, the former Foreign Minister’s statement adds a nuanced perspective to the ongoing dialogue on Palestinian representation. It prompts a reconsideration of traditional diplomatic norms and emphasizes the importance of inclusive approaches to ensure that the diverse voices within the Palestinian territories are heard and represented on the international stage.



Jack daniel

Do not judge me before u know me, but just to inform u, you won’t like me