Israel claims looking for $37m pay from Twitter

Jack daniel
1 min readJun 7, 2022


Israeli law office David Or Chen has recorded a claim against Twitter looking for 125 million shekels ($37.5 million) in pay for supposedly selling clients’ very own data, Israel Hayom detailed yesterday.

As per the paper, the Israeli claim comes after the US Justice Department arrived at an arrangement where Twitter was fined $150 million for disregarding clients’ security by purportedly giving their own information over to business locales.

David Or Chen is suing Twitter for $37 million in pay for Israelis who utilized Twitter somewhere in the range of 2013 and 2019.

The offended parties guarantee that Twitter deluded account holders as they suspected their own information would stay secret and that the conveyance of that individual data to publicizing and outsider accomplices without client assent disregarded their concurrence with the stage, the Israeli every day revealed.

The pay adds up to 500 shekel ($150) per offended party.

About 250,000 Israelis, or roughly five percent of the grown-up populace, have Twitter accounts.



Jack daniel

Do not judge me before u know me, but just to inform u, you won’t like me