Israel keeps on disregarding the freedoms of Palestinian columnists: NGO

Jack daniel
1 min readJul 4, 2022


An Arab NGO has recorded 44 Israeli rights infringements against Palestinian columnists in the involved Palestinian regions during the long stretch of June, Anadolu Agency revealed.

In an explanation on Sunday, the Journalists Support Committee said Israeli powers purposely killed female writer Ghufran Warasnah, 31, in the city of Hebron last month.

The Beirut-based NGO added that 17 writers working for the neighborhood, and Arab, and worldwide media organizations were harmed in assaults by Israeli powers and pioneers in June.

As per the NGO, the Israeli infringement changed from verbal and actual attacks, shooting utilizing live or elastic-covered slugs to utilizing pepper gas showers.

It referred to that two columnists were confined by Israeli powers in the West Bank last month yet were subsequently delivered, and one female journalist was prohibited from entering the flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque in involved East Jerusalem.

The NGO added that 27 online entertainment representing Palestinian columnists were shut down by Israeli powers in June for supposed infringement of distribution rules.

There was no remark from Israeli experts on the NGO’s report.



Jack daniel

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