Israel rejects Palestinian solicitation to rename roads ‘The Return’, ‘Mahmoud Darwish’

Jack daniel
2 min readSep 14, 2022


The Israeli Interior Ministry has dismissed a solicitation by Palestinian residents of Israel situated in Eilabun, near the Lebanese boundary, to rename their roads “Mahmoud Darwish”, “Hashivah” (The Return), and “Gamal Abdel Nasser”.

Notwithstanding the solicitation put together by the neighborhood legislature of the eastern Galilee town being endorsed by a naming council in the Interior Ministry, which is a cycle expected by Israeli regulation, the solicitation was as yet denied without clarification, revealed Haaretz.

“What are the qualms about?” Mayor Samir Abu Zayed inquired. “Mahmoud Darwish is an Arab artist whose sonnets are shown in certain schools with the endorsement of the Educating Ministry. It resembles in Jewish schools they learn sonnets related to Jewish culture and have roads named after Jewish writers.”

Ikram Sror, the chief general of the neighborhood chamber, let Haaretz know that the name “Hashivah” was dismissed because of the absence of comprehension of the nearby setting, adding that it’s anything but a require the “right of return” of Palestinian outcasts to the homes they were removed from to clear a path for the production of the territory of Israel in 1948.

“This word is attached to the extraordinary history of Eilabun. In October 1948, the vast majority of the occupants of the town were banished to Lebanon and they were gotten back to it following a couple of months with the understanding of the Israeli government at that point,” said Sror.

In any case, the Interior Ministry asserts the names are going through “further assessment” and that it has not dismissed them.

Abu Zayed whined that the Arab town’s opportunity for articulation and majority rule privileges had been disregarded. “It is my right, locally, to give the names of the roads that are proper for our way of life and history and this is a choice that stems from bias,” he said.

Accordingly, the Interior Ministry said: “These names, as well as numerous different names from different networks, are breezed through on for additional assessment as a component of the customary work of the Interior Ministry. We lament that such cases have been aimed at the expert board, and we can take note that the candidate is being misdirected in asserting that the Interior Ministry has purportedly dismissed the names with next to no clarification.”



Jack daniel

Do not judge me before u know me, but just to inform u, you won’t like me