Kenya, Egypt sign guard bargain as Cairo moves to unite its situation on Ethiopia dam

Jack daniel
2 min readMay 27, 2021


Kenya and Egypt have consented to a specialized arrangement on guard participation as pressures run intense in the Renaissance Dam (GERD) dealings which have been progressing for quite a long time with no goal.

Egypt has endeavored to prepare African help for its situation on the dam and has consented to comparative arrangements with Burundi and Uganda.

Ethiopia is set to start off the second period of recording the GERD, which it says will furnish the country with the earnestly required power and monetary recovery.

Ethiopia’s Minister of Water and Irrigation, Seleshi Bekele, as of late reported that in excess of 80% of the development has now been finished.

Egypt accepts that the filling of the dam will seriously restrict its water supply and that it is being filled and worked before an arrangement is reached among them and Sudan.

The Kenya-Egypt arrangement follows a gathering between Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta in April.

Kenya is Africa’s delegate at the UN Security Council and has recently reported its help for Egypt’s situation in the dam arrangements.

Fares among Egypt and Kenya are developing and in 2019 the two nations gave a tactical understanding of the stockpile of gear and arms.

A week ago a legitimate correspondence for the benefit of five Egyptian casualties was submitted to the African Commission on the disappointment of Egypt and Ethiopia to lead powerful counsels with nearby networks in the midst of the drawn-out exchanges.

The Egyptian government’s arrangements have inconveniently affected the jobs of Egyptian ranchers, confining their admittance to Nile water and restricting their territory use, expressed the correspondence.



Jack daniel

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