Lebanon says line outline converses with Israel ‘muddled’

Jack daniel
2 min readSep 7, 2022


Parliament Deputy Speaker, Elias Bou Saab, on Tuesday said there are prickly issues in the oceanic line division talks between Lebanon and Israel, Anadolu News Agency reports.

“Significant complexities however are being settled consistently,” Bou Saab told journalists, following discussions with President Michel Aoun in the capital, Beirut.

He said his discussions with Aoun harped on late conversations with US middle person, Amos Hochstein, who is supposed to visit Lebanon this week.

“Correspondence and contacts will escalate in September and we want to believe that we will actually want to arrive at an outcome,” he said. “We would rather not let go of positive thinking, yet we would rather not say that we’re skeptical,” the Deputy Speaker said.

“The period of September will be unequivocal. Assuming incidentally, the Israelis are die-hard and don’t need an answer, Lebanon will have different options,” he cautioned.

Lebanon and Israel are taken part in a disagreement regarding a sea region that is 860 square kilometers (332 square miles), as per maps sent by the two nations to the UN in 2011.

The region is wealthy in flammable gas and oil. Five meetings of aberrant discussions were held among Lebanon and Israel under UN sponsorship and US intercession.

The last round of talks was in May 2021, however, it was stuck in view of significant contrasts.



Jack daniel

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