Libyan Political Dialog Forum, UNSMIL reports the aftereffects of the deciding in favor of the Presidential Council authority

Jack daniel
3 min readFeb 4, 2021


On Tuesday night, on the second day of the Libyan Political Dialog Forum (LPDF) meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) reported the vote result for the Presidential Council authority. The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) Stephanie Williams met the LPDF last round to choose an impermanent bound together chief ready to take the North African country to public races modified for 24 December 2021. Following the up-and-comers and their projects’ introduction, the 75 individuals from the Libyan Political Dialog Forum cast their votes.

As per UNSMIL, the democratic occurred in a free and straightforward way, following the finish of the intuitive meetings with the contender for the Presidency Council, which was all live-spilled to support the Libyan public. The vote was led per electing school, one for the Eastern locale (Cyrenaica), one for the West (Tripolitania), and one for the South (Fezzan), following the choice system for the brief leader authority embraced by the LPDF on 19 January 2021. The LPDF Certification Committee noticed the vote-checking measure, led by UNSMIL discretionary master.

The 23 delegates of the eastern district had the option to look over 8 names of competitors. Current Speaker of Parliament Aguila Saleh got nine votes, trailed by MP Al-Sharif al Wafi with six votes, and Mohamed Mifi with five. The 14 individuals from the LPDF for the south cast a ballot six for Abdul Majeed Ghaith Saif al Nasser, five for Omar Abdul Rahman Abu Shrida, two for Moussa Kouni, while Ali Abu Al-Hijab got just a single inclination. The 37 agents of Tripolitania were split between 11 applicants, of which the current President Khalid al-Meshri gathered the most votes (8) trailed by Muhammad al-Hafi with 5 votes and Defense Minister Salah El-Din Namroush with 4.

Williams declared live on the UN Tv channel that none of the competitors arrived at the 70% limit to pass. “The choice instrument sketched out that a competitor should get 70% of the vote inside his constituent school to be effective, and as none of the applicants arrived at this limit in the present vote, the cycle moves now into the second phase of rundown shaping”. UNSMIL clarified, distributing the starter results. Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya Stephanie Williams commended the genuine commitment by the Libyan Political Dialog Forum individuals in the democratic interaction, taking note of their widespread consent to acknowledge the consequences of the vote.

Today the head administrator applicants will give their political projects prior to continuing the vote once more. The rundown system gives that up-and-comers who have framed better partnerships will actually want to get more inclinations. The leader of the House of Representatives, Aguila Saleh, showed up in Cairo, while a few executive applicants are meeting in Tunis to arrive at arrangements that can encourage their arrangement. Among the leader up-and-comers given as top picks are the current inside pastor, Fathi Bashagha; the Libyan Democratic Institute organizer, Moin El-Kikhia, and the current Vice President of the GNA Council, Ahmed Maiteeq, who as of late undermined with Khalifa Haftar’s self-broadcasted Libyan armed force.



Jack daniel

Do not judge me before u know me, but just to inform u, you won’t like me