Lokman Slim, Hezbollah’s faultfinder and Lebanese political observer shot dead

Jack daniel
2 min readFeb 6, 2021


On Thursday morning, Lokman Slim, a prestigious Lebanese political essayist, and an enthusiastic Hezbollah pundit were discovered dead in his vehicle in southern Lebanon. Police revealed that the 59-year-old political analyst was shot in the head. His homicide was another expansion to the rundown of late deaths in the Lebanese system, which has been losing its political may carry culprits to the equity.

Numerous onlookers said that Slim’s death appeared to be like the homicide of the set of experienced educator and writer Samir Kassir, which happened 16 years back. It likewise offended Lebanese individuals who communicated indignation regarding the degree of security the nation’s dissidents and scholarly pundits had.

Minutes after Slim’s demise was affirmed by the specialists, Jawad Nasrallah, the child of the Hezbollah chief, Hassan Nasrallah, took to Twitter and stated, “The deficiency of certain individuals is truth be told an impromptu addition #notsorry.” He rushed to erase the message later and added that his tweet had nothing to do with Slim’s killing.

“He was adored, he was unassuming and individuals cherished him,” said Slim’s sister, Rasha Slim. “His adversaries have lost a respectable contender who lived among them and discussed them with knowledge, reason, and with adoration. This is a misfortune to the entirety of Lebanon. Murder is an undignified demonstration, it gives a guide to the work that we murder the individuals who can’t help contradicting us. Murder is their solitary language; we know who’s accountable for the zone where my sibling was slaughtered.”

Hezbollah, an Iran-sponsored radical gathering, has shaped an impressive piece of Lebanon’s political framework, in spite of pundits scrutinizing its way of thinking and morals. Thin, who was exceptionally vocal about his analysis of the gathering, had as of late told his companions that he was undermined by his foes. His passing gave a brief look at the untamed course where the nation was going, set off by its financial emergency.

Individuals of the district, who have not yet mended from the most recent year’s calamitous impact, which attacked Beirut, said that they had little expectation in Lebanese police’s examinations in bringing Slim’s homicides to court.

Aya Majzoub, the Lebanon scientist at Human Rights Watch, said: “Lebanese specialists openly guaranteed that the examination concerning the shoot that killed in excess of 200 individuals and crushed a large portion of the city would require five days, yet a half year later, the general population is as yet sitting tight for answers.”Moreover, the court dealing with the case seems to have run roughshod over kept respondents’ fair treatment rights, flagging that it can’t or reluctant to convey equity.”



Jack daniel

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