OIC censures Israel’s animosity in the Jenin displaced person camp

Jack daniel
Sep 30, 2022


The Overall Secretariat of the Association of Islamic Participation (OIC) has censured the Israeli animosity toward the Jenin displaced person camp in the northern involved West Bank which brought about the demise of four Palestinians and handfuls being harmed, the Saudi Press Organization (SPA) detailed.

“This [Israeli] wrongdoing and other past rehashed Israeli violations and demonstrations of hostility against the Palestinian public require examination and responsibility under the steady gaze of the Worldwide Lawbreaker Court,” the OIC said in a proclamation.

The association considered Israel completely liable for the repercussions of this risky heightening, approaching the global local area, particularly the UN Security Chamber, to bear its liabilities in stopping the continuous Israeli animosity and giving worldwide assurance to the Palestinian public.



Jack daniel

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