Syria's regime again accuses the US of stealing its oil

Jack daniel
2 min readDec 13, 2022


The Syrian regime of Bashar Al-Assad has renewed once again accused the United States of “stealing oil” from fields in the north-east of the country, state-run SANA news agency reported.

“The American forces brought this morning [Monday] to the Iraqi territory a convoy of vehicles, most of them were tanks loaded with oil they had stolen from the countryside of Hasaka, through illegal crossings in Hasaka’s eastern countryside,” the agency said.

Citing civilian sources, SANA said a convoy of 37 oil tanks and a number of other vehicles, protected by American military vehicles, arrived in Iraq through the Mahmoudiya crossing, northeast of Syria.

The regime’s accusation against Washington coincides with an unprecedented fuel crisis in the areas under its control.

Syria has repeatedly accused the US of stealing its resources. In August, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed that the losses incurred by the oil and gas sector in the country amounted to $107.1 billion since the outbreak of the revolution in 2011.

The ministry held Washington and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) responsible for these losses.

The United States has not commented on the Syrian regime’s accusations, but has previously dismissed such reports as “false”.

Prior to the 2011 war, Syria produced about 400,000 barrels of oil per day.



Jack daniel

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