Taliban designates ex-Guantanamo Bay prisoner as an acting clergyman of safeguard

Jack daniel
1 min readAug 25, 2021


Afghanistan’s Taliban development has selected a previous Guantanamo Bay prisoner, Mullah Abdul Qayyum Zakir, as acting protection serve, Al Jazeera announced yesterday.

Zakir, brought into the world in 1973, was captured by US powers after their attack on Afghanistan in 2001.

After his delivery, Zakir is said to have coordinated military activities in Helmand Province, north of the country, prior to taking on the situation of the development’s overall military commandant.

The Taliban and Afghan legislators have as of late started interviews about the new Afghan state after the development assumed responsibility for the country.

The second man in the Afghan Taliban development, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, showed up in Kabul last Saturday to hold consults with the development’s chiefs and different legislators about shaping another administration.

A Taliban representative said the development intends to reveal another administration system for Afghanistan in the following not many weeks.



Jack daniel

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