Tebboune’s excusal of close guides hints towards political encounters in Algeria

Jack daniel
2 min readFeb 14, 2022


A new declaration by Algeria’s President Abdelmadjid Tebboune of excusing two of his nearest assistants mirrors the tumultuous political tussle in Algiers. Experts say the battle is genuine as many close counselors to the President and individuals from his company are apparently more leaned towards serving their own advantages rather than that of their President.

The two close assistants of President Tebboune who have been excused in the new choice are Boualem, the lawful issues consultant, and Nazih Berramdane, the official staff part responsible for the common society and ostracize issues. The justification for their excusal hasn’t been uncovered at this point. The previous adjudicator, Boualem subsequent to coming to the Mouradia Palace toward the finish of 2019, has been filling in as Tebboune’s official arm. He was viewed as a confided-in counsel and key official partner. Nazih Berramdane, then again, was endowed by the President with administering the effort exertion with common society.

The president has depended on this effort to broaden his help, particularly during the time he ran for president as an autonomous up-and-comer despite the fact that he had a place with the previous decision party (the National Liberation Front, FLN). It is to be noticed that President Tebboune had recently excused Mohamed Laagab, his previous mission supervisor, from the castle position. In any case, that didn’t cause such a commotion as these two most recent excusals by the President.



Jack daniel

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