Turkey, columnists, and activists fight in Istanbul and Ankara after the brutal capture of Bulent Kilic

Jack daniel
2 min readJul 1, 2021


Three days after what occurred at Pride in Istanbul, many columnists accumulated between Bosphorus city and the capital Ankara to dissent. Bulent Kilic, an honor-winning Turkish photojournalist, who works among others for the France Press Agency (AFP), was captured and mishandled by the Erdogan system police while shooting the pride in Istanbul. Along with columnists, activists for the safeguard of press opportunity, a right quite often abused in Turkey, likewise rampaged.

The nation positions 153 out of 180 nations in the positioning on the opportunity of articulation. As of late alone, after the bombed upset in 2016, many columnists have been unjustifiably captured, and today, hence, fights by writers have detonated in Turkey. To say enough to the fascism and to request the unrestricted arrival of every one of their associates.

Last Saturday, Kilic was sitting idle yet his work. As can be seen from the photographs he posted, archiving the police’ oppressive demeanor towards the LGBTQI people group, during a Pride prohibited for the seventh continuous year by Erdogan’s system. There isn’t anything popular based on the assaults endured by demonstrators, similarly as there isn’t anything majority rule in the viciousness endured by the columnist. The police viciously squashed him to the ground with one knee squeezed to his neck, which kept him from relaxing briefly.

Those pictures circumvented the world starting with the outrage of numerous and Kilic chose, subsequent to being confined in the sleeping shelter for a few hours, to document a grumbling about “rough capture”. Recently, in Ankara and Istanbul, many writers accumulated before the structures of the establishments. The AFP is additionally squeezing for an examination concerning what occurred, determining the obligations. The specialists must “give clear directions to the security powers to stop these inadmissible and out-of-line rehearses before it is past the point of no return.” Erol Onderoglu, a delegate in Turkey of Reporters Without Borders, focused.

Bulent Kilic is likewise before the Istanbul Governor’s Office to make his voice heard with his associates and basic liberties activists. The reason, as they compose via web-based media, is to make the voice of experts heard so that police viciousness during get-togethers stops. “For a long time — underlines Engin Güneysu, a Turkish picture taker who lives and works in Istanbul — columnists have not fought at all.” until this point, many have come down to challenge the horrible motion endured by the partner.



Jack daniel

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