Turkey starts mass production of over 120 patrol boats

Jack daniel
2 min readOct 4, 2021


Turkey has begun large-scale manufacturing of 122 locally planned watch boats to get the nation’s drifts, the venture’s in control said on Sunday, reports Anadolu Agency.

The boats will be provided by the protection and shipbuilding industry to the Coast Guard Command and General Directorate of Security.

The undertaking is controlled by ARES Shipyard in the southern territory of Antalya.

The little maritime vessels will be utilized to keep a beware of unpredictable movement, sneaking, search and salvage, and oceanic security activities in the “Blue Homeland.”

They will be worked by Turkish Lloyd’s guidelines (plan computations and tasks of a wide range of boats, drifting vessels, yachts, marine gear), and will work in all seaside locales of Turkey.

The ARES 35 FPB (Fast Patrol Boat), with a most extreme speed of 35 bunches and a scope of 160 nautical miles, will be 12 meters high (over 39.3 feet).

Onur Yilmaz, who is additionally the arranging and undertakings chief at ARES Shipyard, let Anadolu Agency know that they effectively constructed first of the 122 watch boats as a component of the agreement endorsed between their organization and the Presidency of Presidential Defense Industry.

After with regards to a time of plan improvement exercises, they began creation in January, and the boat has been exposed to different tests, he said.

He added that the boat will leave from Antalya for a long time to partake in activities in the Black Sea.

“Creation has additionally begun for different boats. We intend to finish the undertaking in four years by conveying six boats like clockwork,” he clarified.

All boats will have similar elements, however, there could be changes in the event of extra input, he added.

“It was planned with a high functional capacity on every one of the shorelines of Turkey, and will substantiate itself by performing assignments in shallow and surprisingly profound waters (over 3.2 feet).”



Jack daniel

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