Turkiye faults the Syrian system for the disappointment of political drives

Jack daniel
2 min readAug 24, 2022


Turkiye’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has said that he holds the Damascus system of Bashar Al-Assad answerable for the disappointment of all political drives to tackle the emergency in Syria. Cavusoglu offered his remark during a TV interview broadcast on Tuesday by the Haber Global channel.

The Turkish clergyman expressed that, all things considered, the just and most significant way in Syria is the way of a political arrangement. Turkiye, he made sense of, has taken numerous drives to track down an answer for the emergency in Syria, of which just the Astana track stays dynamic.

Cavusoglu brought up that the gatherings of the Constitutional Committee in Syria accompanied commitments from Turkiye, Russia, and Iran, yet they didn’t accomplish the ideal outcome. “As a matter of fact, the [Syrian] system doesn’t completely have faith in the political track.”

The pastor lauded the Syrian resistance for shaping an exchanges commission as well as its great and helpful expectations towards arriving at a political arrangement in Syria. This way, he added, gained no headway because of the resoluteness of the system in Damascus.

In any case, he affirmed that there is correspondence between the heads of knowledge of the two nations and focused on the need to make positive strides towards enduring harmony. The Syrian system, closed Cavusoglu, ought to quit seeing the resistance as psychological oppressors.



Jack daniel

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